When I looked down from my bedroom window this evening after putting on my pj's (the blue fleece teddy bear pj's that are giant and warm and comfortable and I love them even though I look ridiculous), I saw a dead baby bunny lying by the walk. I went down to see what had happened, and I don't know what happened to him (or her, I can't tell). He (or she) was so pretty, such beautiful fur and so tiny and perfect, but there were bees in his (or her) mouth, I guess for the moisture(?), and there was this very pronounced a-dead-bunny-how-sad-ness in the sunset air. I buried the bunny under the japanese magnolia beside the driveway, because I thought it was a pretty place and the ground is soft enough there. I covered the grave with rocks and said some mantras (in my blue fleece teddy bear pj's, but the neighbors know me here). Dad thought maybe I should have left it for the fox, but I figured Boo-kitty or the dogs might get to it first, and it's just nicer to give a little being a little burial, isn't it?
I found this lovely image of
Earth Store Boddhisattva:

...which I hereby dedicate to the baby bunny buried under the japanese magnolia beside the driveway, and for the benefit of all beings, may the lower realms all be emptied.
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